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Software Development Books

  • Embedded Systems Building Blocks
    This book contains a set of software modules to save time in designing embedded systems. The modules include keyboard scanners, display interfaces, timers, and I/O routines. Chapters describe what each module is, how it works, what services it provides, how much memory it requires, and how much time each function takes to execute. By Jean Labrosse, author of the uC/OS RTOS.
    Price: $70.63 Save $29.32!Buy Now
  • Rapid Development
    An excellent introduction to software development, with the emphasis on improving the development process through application of best practices. Discussions of estimating, scheduling, project life-cycles, and much more. Recommended.
    Price: $19.89 Save $15.11!Buy Now
  • The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
    Straight from the programming trenches, "The Pragmatic Programmer" cuts through the increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development to examine the core process--taking a requirement and producing working, maintainable code that delights its users. It covers topics ranging from personal responsibility and career development to architectural techniques for keeping your code flexible and easy to adapt and reuse.
    Price: $22.76 Save $27.23!Buy Now
  • Professional Software Development
    Steve McConnell, a software engineer and author of "Code Complete", looks at the emerging profession of software engineering and advocates for professional software practices that support economical creation of high-quality software. He outlines steps individuals can take to achieve higher levels of software professionalism, sets out organizational practices needed to support more professional software projects, and describes steps that must be taken by the industry at large.
    Price: $38.94 Save $26.05!Buy Now
  • The Art of Designing Embedded Systems
    Jack Ganssle has been forming the careers of embedded engineers for 20+ years. He has done this with four books, over 500 articles, a weekly column, and continuous lecturing. Technology moves fast and since the first edition of this best-selling classic much has changed. The new edition will reflect the author's new and ever evolving philosophy in the face of new technology and realities. Now more than ever an overarching philosophy of development is needed before just sitting down to build an application. Practicing embedded engineers will find that Jack provides a high-level strategic plan of attack to the often times chaotic and ad hoc design and development process. He helps frame and solve the issues an engineer confronts with real-time code and applications, hardware and software coexistences, and streamlines detail management.
    Price: $84.95Buy Now
  • Embedded Software: Know It All
    Embedded software is present everywhere - from a garage door opener to implanted medical devices to multicore computer systems. This book covers the development and testing of embedded software from many different angles and using different programming languages. Optimization of code, and the testing of that code, are detailed to enable readers to create the best solutions on-time and on-budget. Bringing together the work of leading experts in the field, this a comprehensive reference that every embedded developer will need!
    Price: $59.07 Save $16.88!Buy Now
  • Fundamentals of Embedded Software: Where C and Assembly Meet
    Using a non-product specific approach and a programming (versus hardware) perspective, this text lays a foundation that supports the multi-threaded style of programming and high-reliability requirements of embedded software. Reflecting current industrial applications and programming practice, it focuses on the more modern 32-bit protected mode processors and on C as the dominant programming language-with coverage of assembly and how it can be used in conjunction with, and support of, C.
    Price: $35.54 Save $100.46!Buy Now
Prices shown are accurate as of Dec 23, 2017 18:20pm CST. Please follow the links for current pricing.

Embedded Systems: Best-Selling Books

Prices shown are accurate as of Dec 23, 2017 18:16pm CST. Please follow the links for current pricing.

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