Electronic Engineering Articles
- Engineering & Entrepreneurship Articles
Articles for electronic engineers and programmers about entrepreneurship, home-based businesses, and consulting businesses. Includes information about getting your new business started, promotion, tax advice, and more.
- Beyond Logic
An outstanding collection of articles and tutorials about all sorts of embedded and computer topics, including Universal Serial Bus, Serial Ports (RS232), Parallel Ports SPP/ECP/EPP/IEEE1284), Device Drivers and more. Most texts also come in PDF versions for easy download and printing.
- Circuit Cellar Digital Library
Circuit Cellar Online offers articles illustrating creative solutions and unique applications through complete projects, practical tutorials, and useful design techniques.
- Dependable Embedded Systems
A series of articles published by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University, discussing various aspects of dependable embedded systems. The papers are the result of a graduate course that involved intense effort preparing presentations, writing papers, and collectively exchanging reviews and ideas.
- Developing Embedded Systems - A Tools Introduction
This tutorial gives a explanation of the different tools involved in the microcontroller development cycle (editors, assemblers, compilers, debuggers, simulators, emulators and Flash/OTP programmers), with a particular focus on the different emulator types and their advantages and disadvantages.
- Embedded System Design Issues
An article by Philip J. Koopman, Jr, from the Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Design, discussing the difficultly of successfully applying traditional computer design methodologies and tools to embedded applications. Also check out Koopman's Communication Protocols for Embedded Systems and Embedded Communication Protocol Options articles.
- Embedded Systems Programming
The current issue is online, as well as an archive of past issues.
- Jack Ganssle's Articles
A columnist for "Embedded Systems Programming", as well as book author and noted speaker, Jack's articles are collected on his site.
- What's All This Bob Pease Stuff, Anyhow?
An archive of articles from Pease's column in Electronics Design.